The Summer Struggle

Posted: Jun 25, 2024 | Category: Latest Articles

Summer is known for its hot, sunny days, outdoor adventures, and time away from school. It is a relaxing time for many, filled with picnics, pool time, and vacations with family and friends. While many of us get to enjoy the benefits summer brings, it can also come with its challenges.

This year, we have seen record-breaking need for transfusions locally. Unfortunately, during the summer months, we often see a dip in blood donations while the need for patients at Central Texas hospitals remains high, making it challenging to keep our local supply steady.

Lower donor availability

Donations during the summer months tend to be lower for several reasons.

  • Potential donors often travel and take vacations, reducing their availability.  
  • With school out, school-based blood drives do not occur as regularly, leading to fewer donations.  
  • The intense Texas heat can make people reluctant to leave their homes.

Despite these challenges, the need for blood remains constant and just as crucial.

Small commitment, big impact

It only takes 45 minutes (from registration to post donation snacks) to donate a pint of whole blood”. With that pint, up to three lives might be saved. That’s where you come in!

We Are Blood supplies over 50 local hospitals and medical groups with blood all year long, and we need your continued support and donations to make this happen. Your contributions help maintain the health and safety of our community during these scorching summer months.

Keep us in mind this summer

This issue is not unique to Central Texas; summer is a difficult time for blood donation nationwide. Did you know? Someone in the U.S. needs blood approximately every two seconds; a rate that does not stop just because it is summer. Sadly, with all the travel people do, this is the season when the worst auto accidents occur. 

As we enjoy our sweet summer plans, please keep in mind that the need for blood donations never stops or takes a vacation. Book an appointment to donate blood at a local donor center or mobile drive, and make a lifesaving difference in your community today!