Amplify Austin is coming on February 28th!

Posted: Feb 01, 2019 | Category: Latest Articles

What is Amplify Austin?

Amplify Austin Day is our city’s annual community-wide day of online giving. The 24-hour period provides an easy and fun way for our entire community to give together while helping local nonprofits.

Why support We Are Blood?

We need more vehicles so we can draw more blood!

Our current buses are getting the job done… most days. But they’re old and tired and sometimes they break down. We hope to raise enough money to purchase a brand new bus — and all of the necessary medical equipment — so we can ensure we’re meeting the needs of our community.

The only problem: buses are EXPENSIVE. The bus (and medical equipment) will cost us somewhere north of $350,000.   😮

Our goal for 2019 is to raise $20,000 to help buy a new bus. With your help, we can hit that goal, and then some!

Schedule your Amplify Austin donation!


How to set up your personal fundraising page

We’ve compiled this detailed, step-by-step guide to help you get set up with your very own fundraising page.

*Please note that once you hit submit, you won’t be able to make any changes to your page! If you find you need to make some changes, send our Communications & Content Manager, Phillip Lybrand an email at [email protected] and he’ll make any changes the system will allow.


Visit our Amplify Austin page and click “FUNDRAISE”.


Login to your Amplify Austin account. If you’ve never donated through Amplify Austin before, you can use the form to create a new account or sign in with Facebook.


Once you’re logged in, start building your We Are Blood fundraising page!

  • Make sure “We Are Blood” is selected as your organization of choice
  • Your campaign type is for Amplify Austin Day
  • Pick a title that you love!
  • And then a matching URL

In the summary statement, tell the world why you support We Are Blood.

This is also the section where you’ll decide on your personal fundraising goal and add photos. When setting your goal, be realistic… but don’t be afraid to dream big. Self-fulfilling prophecies and all that.  😉


Click “submit campaign for approval.”

You’ll get an approval notification from us in about 24 hours letting you know your campaign is good to go.

And remember, you can’t make any changes once you submit for approval! Send Phillip  an email at [email protected] if you need any assistance.

What to do when your campaign is live?

Once you’re logged into your Amplify account, make sure you’re under the “My Fundraisers” tab. At the bottom of the page, you’ll see some of the great tools and resources Amplify Austin provides for fundraisers!

We think one of the easiest ways to engage your friends and family is to write them a short email or post on your social media page. Tell them why you support We Are Blood and send them a link. You can even send them this blog post!

We love you all so much and are so grateful for your support. Together, we can #AmplifyATX!