We Are Family: Michael Warburton

Posted: Sep 26, 2024 | Category: Latest Articles

At We Are Blood, every donation matters, and behind each donation is a dedicated team working tirelessly to ensure the process is seamless and impactful. A key figure in this effort is Michael Warburton, our Volunteer & Grants Manager.

Join us as we dive into Michael’s story and his deep passion for volunteers and their pivotal role in the organization!

Building from the Ground Up

When Michael first joined We Are Blood in 2009, there was no formal volunteer program in place. His mission? To create a comprehensive program from scratch.

“I was hired back in 2009 to create the volunteer program. We Are Blood didn’t have one, so I created policies, procedures, and I’ve seen it grow from the ground up,” Michael explains.

Over the years, he has developed and nurtured a team of committed volunteers who make an incredible impact every day. Michael’s leadership and dedication have created a strong foundation, with volunteers playing an essential role in the organization’s daily operations.

The Power of Time

For Michael, what makes volunteering truly special is not just the action, but the time and personal commitment that comes with it.

“Volunteers are donating time—and that’s something you’ll never get back. It’s really precious,” he shares. “What amazes me every day are the volunteers who come in. They keep me going.”

This sentiment is a cornerstone of the volunteer program at We Are Blood. The time that volunteers give is invaluable, and the ripple effects of their efforts are felt far beyond the walls of the donation centers.

The Critical Role of Volunteers

Volunteers at We Are Blood are much more than just extra hands. According to Michael, they are an integral part of the team—working alongside staff and donors to ensure the organization runs smoothly.

“Our volunteers are critical. They’re part of the team—our donors, our staff, our volunteers. We all work together,” Michael explains. “For example, the canteen hosts are essential in ensuring donors are safe after donating blood. They alert staff if a donor isn’t feeling well and provide support until they’re ready to go.”

Whether it’s transporting blood from donation centers, supporting hospital services, or prepping promotional items, volunteers are woven into every facet of the organization.

84,000+ Lives Saved with a T-Shirt

One of the more surprising areas where volunteers shine is in preparing promotional t-shirts. Michael shared a fun fact: We Are Blood distributed 28,000 t-shirts last year, and every single one was rolled and prepped by volunteers.

“Volunteers rolled 28,000 t-shirts last year alone. A donor’s blood donation can save up to three lives, so if you multiply that by the 28,000 shirts—well, that’s potentially 84,000 lives saved!”

A Heart of Gratitude

For Michael, gratitude for the volunteers is at the heart of his work. He is continually amazed by their dedication and willingness to give their time to the cause.

“They are critical to everything we do. Without them, we simply wouldn’t be able to function at the level we do,” Michael emphasizes.

The success of We Are Blood’s volunteer program is a testament to Michael’s leadership and the power of community. His passion for the cause and deep appreciation for the volunteers have created a thriving environment where every effort counts—whether it’s rolling t-shirts, staffing a canteen, or transporting life-saving blood products.

Wanna Make a Difference?

If you’re looking to give back in a meaningful way, We Are Blood is always looking for passionate individuals to join their volunteer team. As Michael says, “Volunteering is about giving something you’ll never get back—your time. And that makes it all the more valuable.”

To learn more about volunteering at We Are Blood, visit our volunteer page here.